private investigator
- n.私人侦探;同 private detective

I was working with a private investigator .
And you guys suggested a private investigator .
Is this the private investigator you hired to follow Melissa ?
He had even thought about hiring a private investigator , but he decided not to do so for the time being .
Hotaru Amami is a private investigator , also manages her own office .
Wright is a private investigator - andowner of the Wright Group - based in Anaheim , California .
It 's uncheckable because motor vehicle departments don 't release that kind of information , even to a private investigator , without a legitimate reason .
He left when a reporter and a private investigator were briefly jailed for listening to the phone messages of aides to Britain 's royal family .
A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones .
Some of them are workingtowards their own private investigator licences , and their hours piloting thelittle devices can count as hours towards their certification .
Some smart beds will promise you better sleep and posture , but this one in particular will turn you into a private investigator looking to catch a cheating spouse in the act .
The British private investigator detained in China in connection with his work for GlaxoSmithKline has said he feels " cheated " by the UK drugs group as Chinese authorities prepare to try him in secret next month .
Even so , a computer " tells you everything about a person 's character , " said Brook Schaub , a forensic analyst and licensed private investigator at the accounting firm Eide Bailly .
It is the story of a retired police detective suffering from acrophobiawho is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behaviour .
Mr Curran is not a private investigator hoping to uncover a dirty secret but an anthropologist – a social scientist who studies human behaviour through systematic observation – working on behalf of a greeting card company .
On July 4th the Guardian reported allegations that Glenn Mulcaire , a private investigator working with News of the World journalists , hacked into Dowler 's voice-mail in the days after her disappearance , removing some messages to free up space when her account became full .